Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Alranis Fragment

Magic. The word came easily to Serok’s lips but even so, he wondered if he was making the right choice.
Not twenty feet from him, a youth, sat studying an ancient text on the God Kings
Smiling, Serok approached his only pupil. “Greetings Alranis. How goes the study?”
Despite his youth, Alranis’ short hair was bone white and his hazel eyes surrounded by crow’s feet.
“Ah Serok. Have you come to test me anew on your mysteries?” Alranis waved his hands at the shelves and the books lining them.
“Why do you always think that’s my purpose in tutoring you? Can I not merely come by to observe your studies?” Serok pulled back his black hair with a wrinkled hand.
Seeing the serving girl waiting at the entrance, Serok sat and waved her near. “I’ll have a cup of tea. For you Alranis?”
Placing a gold covered book mark onto his tome, ALranis smiled. “The same.”
Folding his hands, Serok eased back into his chair with a sigh.
“So old teacher, do you honestly mean to tell me that for once there are no tests? No quizzes?”
                “Why bother? You’ve always worked yourself harder than I ever could.”
                Alranis remained quite for a moment expecting Serok to continue with a “but” or “or” but his mentor said nothing.
                “Well, perhaps I do push myself harder because I’m privileged enough to be here.” Alranis poked the table with a slender finger.
                The maid returned with a stainless silver tray and two large cups filled with tea. On the side, a decanter rested next to a round silver half orb filled with sugar.
                Alranis sipped his tea without tasting it. Serok was too quite. What could his mentor truly want? Had he fallen behind in his studies? Failed some unknown test?
                Serok’s eyes narrowed as he placed one gnarled hand over his cup. “It is time for the truth.”
                “The truth? Have I been doing so poorly in my studies that you’ve had to lie to me to encourage my failures?”
                Serok smiled. “No pupil, nothing so simple as that.” Rising from the table, Serok straightened his back.
                “Nothing so simple?” Alranis followed his mentor in rising, his eyes burning with anger. “I’m no longer as stupid orphan boy Serok. My thoughts and feelings are not to be dismissed like some serving dog!”
                Serok stopped smiling. “Alranis, your anger does you no good here. I’ve always allowed you to follow your own path, even when I felt it wrong. It’s time I told you why I’ve allowed you such freedom.”
                “You mean I’ve been allowed to pick my own path not out of your lack of interest but for your own purposes?” Alranis eyes rounded with confusion. He always felt privileged but at the same time, trapped.
                Trapped by obligation to his mentor. Trapped by feelings of inadequacy. All in all, traps of his own making.
                “Well Serok, you have indeed made me everything I am today. I’ll try to listen without interrupting.” Alranis lifted his tea and eased back into his chair.
                “No need to be totally silent pupil. This is a story about you, indirectly at least.” Serok slowly sipped his tea. Still too hot.
                “It beings at the dawn of humanity. Our race has always been plagued by creatures of a hateful nature. They originally came from dark planes where light has no power and no influence. You would call them demons.
                “Now the gods saw these creatures creep into Allore, their home, and were not pleased.”
                Alranis frowned and sat up. “Pardon me, but I have studied them. The gods  setup puppet rulers called God Kings who fought against dragons, demons, and eventually each other.”
                Serok nodded, pleased that Alranis knew this but annoyed at being interrupted. “True. There were however, other power groups during this time. One such group was the Overlords. It was they who created the order of Demon-Slayers.” He paused anticipating another interruption. When none was forthcoming, he continued.
                “The overlords consisted…

 So that's a fragment I found from way back in the day. Probably late teens, early twenties. Makes it over twenty years old.  Pretty generic setup if I recall. Alranis has a brother whose a sword master and there were some other vague thoughts and bits. Inspired in part by one of my friend's home brewed 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign.