Friday, April 30, 2010

Endar One Page Fragment

Looking up, Endar stifled a curse as a fat drop struck him in the eye. Wiping his eye clear, he looked up again, shielding his face with his hand.

He saw signs with anvils, hammers, dancing dragons and more than he could easily keep track of.

It wasn't until he spotted a sign with a keg of frothy beer smashing a skull open that he stopped. He was here at the Broken Skull where he would meet Jord.

Pushing through the door, he noticed that this tavern was like most others he'd been to. On the far west wall, fire danced in red and orange steps. Each table lit by a small candle while censers overhead masked the stale smell of vomit, beer and urine.

Smoke hung over the room and turned everything into shades of grey. He moved past the leaf smokers and the card players. If Jord remained paranoid as he last was, he wouldn't set up front with the likes of these.

Indeed, Jord must not have changed too greatly for sitting in the corner, with his back to the wall, Jord sat with unblinking red rimmed eyes. His face linned with worry wrinkles, his hair greying at the...

And that's all that was of that one bit. I've been finding a lot of my writting scattered about. Being the king of never finish a damn thing writing, I've decided to at least try and post it online in some vein attempt to semi-centralize things and get it in a typed format and hopefully provide a few chuckles to those out there who may find such.

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