Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Country of Zarlas

Country of Zarlas

Ruled by a king with support fnrom the Church of the True Faith. The country is very old and has advanced beyond most of the surrounding countries. At one point, Zarlas ruled most of Tarnill.
The country of Enkol, with its horse raiders, was the first to fall.

The main battles were waged through the Giant Spine Mountains with giants acting as mercenaries for both sides. Giants were betrayed by wizards of Tarnill and many were trapped in the mountains.
The resistance of the country was broken in the Battle of the Dead Men’s Hills.

The Firelands fell next, the Kiln Elves, never an aggressor race, gave several noble children as hostages and a champion to earn Zarlas’ trust. It was the last of these champions who helped put down one of the Grey Lords rebellions.

Borlan has always been on friendly terms with Zarlas and the two have often been at peace. Only once in the long history has Brolan attacked Zarlas and that was under the influence of Par Lethas. 

One of the reasons the two countries don’t get along. The second reason is that the True Faith declared magic heresy. Those mages who did not die fled to Par Lethas. They helped the natives master their magics, cutting their studying time in half.

Zarlas lost its hold on the land due to the Three Grey Lords. During the First War, the Kiln elves suffered massive casualties and retreated. Soldiers were recalled from Enkol. The natives of Enkol helped in exchange for their country’s freedom.

Running through my old notes and found this brief summary of one of the countries I made for my old fiction writing. As bad as this is, it's better than when I actually wrong it. There were numerous misuses of words that sounded similar but are different. It's good when you're able to catch these things without the computer telling you so I know my knowledge or at least editing skills have improved.

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